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Photorex Rex Reflex B2
France Version française
Photos by Arnaud Saudax text by Arnaud Saudax. Last update 2022-04-22 par Sylvain Halgand.

Manufactured or assembled in France from 1951 to (After) 1953.
Index of rarity in France: Rare (among non-specialized garage sales)
Inventory number: 13113

See the complete technical specifications

Chronology of cameras Photorex 

The Rex Reflex cameras were designed and produced by André Grange, who was a portrait photographer in Saint-Étienne. During the war, SEMM entrusted him with the distribution of its Reyna-Cross production.
He also served as a distributor for other Parisian brands. It was he who connected the former employees of Saprolip, who were part of SEMM's team, with Mr. Carroué from Nice, which eventually led to the founding of the company ATOMS, of which Mr. Grange was the exclusive representative at the very beginning.
As relations deteriorated between ATOMS and Mr. Grange, he decided to launch the production of a competing 6 x 6 camera.

Rex cameras are often equipped with imported Prontor shutters, which was unusual for that time when import restrictions were very strict.

    Lens support Fixation Film winding Winding Lens

B1 1949 Detachable incompatible with the 150 mm block 4 screw Knobs No blocking  
B1 1950 Interchangeable 4 screw Knobs No blocking  
1951 Interchangeable 4 screw Crank Manual unlocking  

1951/52 Interchangeable 4 screw Crank Automatique unblocking  

NB1 bis 1952 Interchangeable 2 locks Crank    
NB2 bis 1952 Interchangeable 2 locks Crank    

Standard I c.1951 Fixed   Knobs   f/4,5
Standard II c.1951 Fixed   Knobs   f/3,5 or f/3,9


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Photorex Rex Reflex B2 Survolez l'image

Cameras from Ebay France (Photorex) (Uploaded each 3 hours)